News & Blog

Simple Ways to Nurture Your Child’s Creativity at Home

When we hear the word “creativity”, often what first comes to mind are artists and poets and musicians. However, creativity is much more simpler than that, and is something that starts early on. Creativity means using our imagination to come up with something new. Creativity is not for just the artistic, it’s…

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Why Your Child Needs to Play

Play is a way to explore and learn There is no doubt that play is one of the most important ways through which children learn about the world. When children play with adults and other children, they learn how to get along with others, to problem solve, and how to…

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Social and emotional development of children

The development of social and emotional competence is an important part of child’s early development and learning. Social and emotional competence means the ability to understand and manage emotions and behavior, to make decisions and achieve goals, and to establish and maintain positive relationships, including feeling and showing empathy for…

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Child Development

Child development refers to the sequence of physical, language, social, cognitive and emotional changes that occur in a child from birth to the beginning of adulthood, through a child progresses from dependency on their primary caregivers to increasing independence. According to the World Health Organisation, "the early childhood period is…

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Jenga is a popular rapport-building game in Play Therapy

 Jenga is a popular rapport-building game in Play Therapy. In therapy, Jenga can be great for kids who don't feel comfortable interacting. Jenga helps a child with: Fine motor dexterity Motor planning Nonverbal reasoning Strategy and problem solving Requires responsive thinking It is helpful for children with ADHD, Learning…

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Social and emotional development of children

The social and emotional development of children: The development of social and emotional competence is an important part of child’s early development and learning. Social and emotional competence means the ability to understand and manage emotions and behavior, to make decisions and achieve goals, and to establish and maintain positive…

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Early Childhood care and education the Benefits of Wooden Jigsaw Puzzles

The ICCF Care Academy of Pediatrics defines Early Childhood Care and education. Because the ages between one and 5 years, encompassing the toddler and pre-school periods. Early childhood development occurs quickly and it is broadly acknowledged as very essential in setting the building blocks for future learning, such as the…

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